Monday, March 5, 2012

Random Musings on a Random Day

I have not had a lot of time to blog but I decided to take a moment to breathe and write a little post.

I feel like my life is pretty repetitive these days. Mondays I work on homework, go to work and then make sure I have all my assignments turned in by 11:59pm. Tuesdays and Thursdays are days that I just stay home all day and do homework. Wednesdays and Fridays are also work/homework days. I feel like I'm stuck in the same routine and it will never change. I know that I won't be in this same routine forever but I still feel like I keep running into the same brick wall every week.

I guess my breath of fresh air that I get each week is through the new college group that I have become a part of at my church. It's all pretty crazy how I became a part of this. Sometime in January I was talking to my best friend Anna about how we both really wanted a college group to be a part of and it would be really nice if Oak Pointe started one since that is the church we go to. Well, lo and behold, the very next day they announced that a college group was starting that very day! Anna and I were overwhelmed with how quickly God answered our unspoken prayer. We realize now that we never prayed about it but God still answered us. We did not stay that first week due to other commitments (more like we were too overwhelmed to stay that week), but the next week we went and it has been such a blessing.

I'm also realizing that I need to simplify my life. I recently went through a week in my devotions that talked about simplicity. I guess you could say that my life is simple in the way that I do not have a lot of activities that happen each week. But I still want to simplify some things at home. For example, I'm currently reading 6 different books. Sure 3 of them are devotion books, one of them is the book that I'm leading a Bible Study on, one is for my own "Christian living" book and then of course a fictional book to entertain me. However, I still feel like I should not be reading soooo many books at once! How can I truly enjoy one book if I'm also focusing so much attention on other books as well? Another way I should simplify is the fact that I'm not even sure how many blogs I have. This is my only blogspot blog but I have numerous Tumblr blogs.

Simplification is just something that God has asked me to work on and I'm determined to try and work on it.
Next week is my spring break so I think I'll try and clean out my room and hopefully get rid of stuff. I'll also work on finishing a few of those books so I'm not reading so many at once :)

Here's a word of wisdom that I'll leave with you all for now:
"But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well." - Matthew 6:33

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